英语翻译A simple civilian GPS receiver

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A simple civilian GPS receiver costs around $100 and represents the incremental cost of making a new object positionable independently of its global location.A system that uses infrared beacons for broad-casting room IDs requires a beacon for every room in which users want the system to fi\x0cnd them.In this case,both the infraspucture and the object the system locates conpibute to the incremental cost.



  • 一台简易的民用GPS接受器大约是100美元,包括了全球定位系统所需的附加成本.一套使用红外信感传播手段的定位传播系统必须在每个接收房间都使用一个红外探头以便主机定位.在这套系统里,增加的费用主要是基础设备和定位目标的成本.