英语翻译One day Karen was walking out o

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One day Karen was walking out of a classroom when she encountered a vision as startling as herself.It was a girl her age but taller,wearing a quilted red satin jumpsuit and shiny red boots with black platforms.She wore her thick hair cropped short and shaggy in the back.It looked like a coon-skin cap had been glued to her scalp.



  • 有一天凯伦走出教室的时候看到了令她惊讶万分的一幕,那是一个跟她年龄相仿的女孩,个子比她高些,穿着一件光亮的红色连体棉衣和一双黑色厚底的亮红色靴子,她的头发浓密且参差不齐,从后面看上去短而杂乱,仿佛戴着一顶浣熊皮帽.