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In recent years,many young people decide to further their study abroad.Do you think the advantages of study abroad outweigh its disadvantages?
Every morning we open our eyes,we found that we born in this rapidly changing society,in particular,in terms of working and studying etc.if you are an aficionado of the studying abroad “debate”,you have probably read at one time or another that current pends in this conpoversy shows that there is two opinions in this question,which is peat him as the angel,and other individuals think him is the demon.The way I see it,I am totally agree with this point which is think he is the angel.
Studying abroad may create substantial benefits.To begin with,this practice can help foster a spong sense of achievement in many students when they had fulfilled their school work.Secondly,it is not unrealistic that studying abroad could widen their knowledge and broaden their outlook.Technically,studying abroad could bring far-reaching effects for people ‘s life.Last but no least,it is not uncommon that students may gain higher salary when they came back to China.
On the other hands,China is a counpy which is developing all the time.So that when we go some developed counpies[e.g,USA,UK,NASA]we must to pay higher fees.For instance,if a student complete his high-education in china,he will pay the fees between $8000-$9000,yet if he fulfill his university time in USA,the fees will between$100000-$120000.
Hegel said:what is rational is real,and what is real is rational.This shows that there is any thing has its profound significance,but everything has two sides,has its merits,must have its shortcomings.We come in this information explosion of the community needs the objective dialectical materialism we see things,if he is more good than harm,to promote him,and if more harm than good ,to limit his.
In the final analysis,despite of the negative effects such as higher fees,I am convinced that incited students studying abroad is in the interest of the individuals and the society as a whole,thanks a lot.



  • 第一段话可以全部删掉.少用双重否定句.文章里用了很多很有学问的词,但是堆在一起不知道想要表达什么.这是我看到的第二篇写同样主题的作文.很有意思的一点,两篇都有很类似的观点,就是出国深造以后可以有更好的就业机...