people是什么意思 people翻译读音用法翻译

摘要:people英音[ˈpi:pl]美音[ˈpipəl]【中文释义】n 人,人类;居民;人民;种族;vt 居住于,布满;使住满人,在…殖民;把动物放养在。【英文释义】Noun:...




(plural)any group of human beings(men or women or children)collectively;

"old people"

"there were at least 200 people in the audience"

the body of citizens of a state or country;

"the Spanish people"

members of a family line;

"his people have been farmers for generations"

"are your people still alive?"

the common people generally;

"separate the warriors from the mass"

"power to the people"


fill with people;

"Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes"

furnish with people;

"The plains are sparsely populated"


congresspeople n.(不分性别的美国)国会议员(尤指众议员)(Congressperson的名词复数);

craftspeople n.工匠;手艺人;工艺师;

dispeople v.消灭…的居民,减少人口;

gentlepeople n.名门世家,上流人士;

laypeople n.外行,非专业人员,未担任神职的一般信徒;

newspeople n.记者;

peoplehood n.民族性,民族意识;

salespeople n.售货员,店员;售货员(salesperson的名词复数);

townspeople n.市民,镇民,城里人;市井之流;

tradespeople n.商人们,开商店者及其家属;

tribespeople n.部落(或宗族等)成员;

unpeople v.使减少人口,弄成无人之地;

workpeople n.工人们,劳工们;


flower people n.(鼓吹爱情和平的)嬉皮士;

beautiful people上层社会中倡导优美、雅致风尚的有钱时髦人物,名流;

hill people n.山上的居民;

Jesus people n.耶稣子民;

the people民;大众;人民;

boat people n.船民,乘船外逃的难民;

my people我家人;

yacht people香港船民;

little people n.(前面与the连用)小精灵;

common people n.平民,大众;老百姓;闾阎;白民;

the Chosen People n.上帝的子民,犹太人;

people-to-people adj.人民之间的;民间;

active people[医]神动;

hill people n.山上的居民;

flower people n.(鼓吹爱情和平的)嬉皮士;

special people[医]异人;

lay people[法]陪审员;

people's livelihood民生;

work people[经]工人们,劳工们;

common people n.平民,大众;老百姓;闾阎;白民;

handicapped people[医]残废者;

wrecked people[法]歹徒;

