sail是什么意思 sail翻译读音用法翻译

摘要:sail英音[seɪl]美音[sel]【中文释义】vi 航行;起航;驾驶帆船;vt 航行;开船;(水禽)游泳;驾驶(船);n 帆船;航行;帆状物;航行距离。【英文释...




a large piece of fabric(usually canvas fabric)by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel

an ocean trip taken for pleasure

any structure that resembles a sail


traverse or travel on(a body of water);

"We sailed the Atlantic"

"He sailed the Pacific all alone"

move with sweeping,effortless,gliding motions;

"The diva swept into the room"

"Shreds of paper sailed through the air"

"The searchlights swept across the sky"

travel on water propelled by wind;

"I love sailing,especially on the open sea"

"the ship sails on"

travel on water propelled by wind or by other means;

"The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow"


assail vt.攻击,袭击;(用言论)指责;质问;着手解决;

foresail n.前桅的大帆;

forestaysail n.前支索的三角帆;

foretopsail n.前桅中桅帆;

headsail n.(航海)前桅前方的帆;

lugsail n.后缘长的四角纵帆;

mainsail n.主桅的帆,主帆,主桅帆;

parasail n.帆伞,滑翔伞;vi.参加帆伞运动,驾帆伞滑翔;

sailboard v.驾账板冲浪;n.帆板;

sailboat n.<;美>;帆船(=sailing boat);

sailcloth n.帆布;厚帆布;

sailfish n.旗鱼;

sailing n.帆船运动;(乘帆船的)航行;(轮船的)航班;v.驾驶(sail的现在分词);起航;坐船旅行;掠;adj.航行的;

sailor n.水手,海员;驾船人;

sailplane n.滑翔机的一种;

skysail n.第三桅上帆;顶帆;

spritsail n.斜杠帆;

staysail n.支索帆;

studdingsail n.副帆,翼横帆;

topsail n.上桅帆;

trysail n.斜桁帆;

wassail v.痛饮,为…干杯;n.祝酒时用的酒,酒宴;


